Green Trees NFT

Forest tokenization

The current carbon market is still hard to access both for businesses and individuals. It lacks transparency, traceability and contains many low-quality carbon sequestration projects.

Carbon sequestration with Green Trees Planet is easy, fast and transparent because we utilise blockchain technology. Everyone can invest in carbon market or compensate for their CO2 footprint instantly, leaving an immutable and ​​traceable record.

Each Green Trees NFT represents a real-world tree planted within a high-quality fully certified reforestation project that is eligible to produce carbon offset.

The Green Trees NFT features a built-in accountability system, contaning the date, the transaction hash, the amount of CO2 sequestered by its real-life counterpart, and the right to claim the corresponding Carbon Credit benefits.

NFT holders are able to collect USD equivalent to the amount of CO2 sequestered by their trees annually, according to the market price of Carbon Credits. These benefits can be received for up to 30 years, throughout the forestation project’s lifetime.

1 NFT = 1 Tree

Each NFT is linked to a real-world tree planted in the forest that is eligible for carbon sequestration

High quality

Only high-quality projects with guaranteed and predetermined amount of Carbon Credit benefits


Built-in accountability: all data, transactions, and the amount of CO2 sequestered are transparent

30 years lifespan

The holders of Green Trees NFTs are able to collect Carbon Credit benefits for up to 30 years

Climate Positive Blockchain

Green Trees NFTs are minted on the Polygon blockchain. It has been chosen as the most appropriate platform for the project to run on.

According to its Green Manifesto, Polygon has eliminated the network’s carbon debt going back to its inception and making the chain climate positive going forward starting in 2022. Polygon also provides an excellent platform for the use of NFTs and smart contracts to help achieve our goals.


Los Laureles collection


NFTs available


Price of NFT


ROI for Holders