Help save the Earth
and make a profit

Our forestation projects reduce CO2 emissions and allow everyone to earn carbon credits.


100 Ha of Eucalyptus Forest in Colombia: First Carbon Credits in 2024

Sublease for 10 years

Los Laureles Project key developer planted 400 ha of the Eucalypt forest in 2021. Green Trees Planet has subleased 100 ha of this forest for 10 years.

120k trees planted

Each 1 ha of forest has 1,200 trees. Eucalyptus is the species that perfectly adapts to the area and is very efficient in terms of CO2 sequestration.

5,700 CC per year

Green Trees Planet is entitled to receive 5,700 carbon credits per year, which will bring approximately 30% ROI to investors (NFT holders).

Scaling up to 10k Ha

The site could be enlarged up to 100 times, to 10,000 ha with new forests to be planted. The extended project could produce ~560,000 CC per year.

Learn more about Los Laureles project


How it works


Planting & Preserving Trees

We manage forestation projects that are eligible to produce carbon offsets. All trees are planted and protected by reputable forestry operators; all projects are third-party validated, audited, and certified.


Tokenizing Tree Plantation

We mint NFTs that represent a certain number of trees planted, the carbon offset of these trees, and the rights to receive the corresponding amount of carbon credits. The use of blockchain ensures data transparency.

What Are Carbon Credits Markets?

As the global push for net zero emissions gathers pace, companies have new carbon offset requirements driven both by regulatory obligations and internal sustainability targets.
Companies or individuals can use carbon markets to compensate for their greenhouse gas emissions by purchasing carbon credits from entities that remove or reduce GHG emissions.
One tradable carbon credit equals one tonne of CO2 or the equivalent amount of a different greenhouse gas reduced, sequestered or avoided.

Read more about Carbon Credit markets


NFT Sale

All NFTs are available both for corporate and individual investors. By purchasing Green Trees NFT, you contribute to the environment and get an income generating asset with exposure to the rapidly evolving market.


Creating High Value

NFT holders are eligible to receive Carbon Credit benefits for up to 30 years. With the cost of carbon removal growing up, your NFT will be a lucrative asset for decades ahead. It can also be sold on secondary markets.


How Planting Trees Offsets Carbon

In the increasingly urgent effort to fight against climate change, every bit counts. Planting trees is one of the simplest and most efficient ways of removing excess CO2 from the atmosphere.

When trees perform photosynthesis, they pull carbon dioxide out of the air, bind it up in glucose, and release oxygen. Trees use sugar to build wood, branches, and roots. Wood is an incredible carbon sink because it lasts for years as a standing tree, and takes years to break down after the tree dies.

It is however important that the right type of trees are planted to help climate change. It has to be strategic, as the need for reforestation is global and ever-changing.

Carbon Absorption

After the oceans, forests are the second largest carbon sink on the planet.

Preservation Is Key

It’s important to not only plant new trees but to keep existing forests standing.

Added Benefits

Local communities, the native soil and wildlife benefit for many years down the road.

Need to Act Now

Let’s ensure that we are leaving a healthier planet for future generations to come.

who we are

Blockchain for a healthier planet

We aim at using blockchain to enhance environmental sustainability.

Our mission is to create tangible value for investors, while reducing the carbon pollution that causes climate change.

Each Green Trees NFT is linked to a real life tree and represents the carbon offset of this tree. Once you purchase the NFT, you’ll be receiving Carbon Credit benefits annually, throughout the forestation project’s lifetime.

To ensure transparency and accountability, we collaborate with global environmental organizations and reputable forestry operators. This partnership allows us to create value for NFT holders through planting and preserving trees within high-quality carbon offset projects.



Green Trees NFT


NFTs available


Price of NFT


ROI for Holders



How Carbon Markets Work

The carbon market is a system for buying and selling carbon credits, which are instruments that allow companies, governments, and other organizations to address their greenhouse gas emissions by funding projects that reduce or remove CO2 from the atmosphere.

The demand by companies to offset their carbon emissions has never been higher, and the market is growing rapidly. According to the International Energy Agency, carbon prices need to reach $130 per ton by 2030 in advanced economies to meet net-zero ambitions.

There are 3 ways to ensure that carbon project and carbon credits are high quality and reach the stated environmental impact: 1) Independent verification by a third-party organization; 2) Accreditation from internationally recognized standards; 3) Transparency.